• 33 Tricks to Stay Safe While Traveling Abroad
    June 2016

    3 Tricks to Stay Safe While Traveling Abroad

    Travel provides an opportunity to experience a foreign culture firsthand, but it also opens opportunities for thieves to victimize you. To stay safe, take the necessary precautions. Here are 3 tricks to help you keep your belongings—and yourself—safe while traveling abroad:

    Guard Your Luggage

    When traveling, you’re essentially living out of your suitcase; many of your valuables are in your luggage. Protect it! Whether you’re at the airport or at the hotel, remain alert and on guard. Don’t leave it unattended or with someone you don’t know. Lock it up when you reach the hotel and store cash, electronics and jewelry in the provided room safe.

    Blend In As Best You Can

    When in Rome…” If nothing else, it’s sane advice for safe traveling. The more you appear out of place, the more you will attract unwanted attention. Remember that you’re a guest in someone else’s country, so behave accordingly. Adhere to local customs, including behavior and dress code. Learn some common phrases in the local language. Be respectful, but conduct yourself confidently. Indecisiveness will expose you as a target.

    Get Travel Insurance

    The unexpected never happens when you expect it. (Duh.) So it’s best to prepare for the worst. Travel insurance isn’t expensive; prices start around six bucks a day, and that covers things like lost or damaged luggage, misplaced tickets, and emergency medical costs.

    If you need additional assistance booking your flight or arranging for any other travel services, contact Joy Travel at
    718 473 7622.
